Mobile Enabled Prayer Requests
Automatic Text Reminders & Updates
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Know You've Made A Difference

Use your phone as a spiritual weapon

A LOT of time is spent on the phone. What if you could use your device for something more eternal? Our automated text based services makes requesting, receiving, and praying for your friends, family or small groups easier.

Sign up today and you'll get a text link to add family and friends that will request their prayers

You get weekly prayer request reminders sent via text. You can add or remove recipients anytime.

Friends and family get a link to input their prayer requests, no fee to them

At anytime, they can access the link and update their prayer requests to stay current.

Our Features

Feel the power of prayer with text reminders to pray on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

WIth each text comes a link to access your consolidated list of prayers from your friends and family or small groups

Show your family and friends you are praying for them.

If you choose, text "Done" and we'll let them know you just prayed for them

Update your family and friends anytime

You can add or remove recipients and we'll send them a text to add or update their prayers to you

Multiple Editions To Choose

Personal Edition

  • One Owner/User
  • Request prayer requests from up to 10 friend/family members
  • User receives link to review requests
  • User receive prayer reminders every Mon, Wed, Fri
  • Automatically request updates

$12 annually

(No recurring payments)

Group Edition

  • One Group Owner
  • Unlimited participants
  • Entire group able to view all prayer requests
  • All participants receive prayer reminders every Mon, Wed, Fri
  • Automatically request updates

$10 per person annually

(No recurring payments)

Contact Us

We can't wait to hear from you